XVIII Triple Helix Conference, 15-17 June 2020, Tampere: Call for proposals

The XVIII International Triple Helix Conference 2020 will promote dialogue among researchers, policy-makers and practitioners, who are involved in various aspects of innovation ecosystem for an example with the issues related to knowledge society, social innovation, technology transfer and innovation policy to name a few. While the Triple Helix will be a lens to examine various innovation practices and the future of innovation, we welcome those, who either challenge the Triple Helix model or promote alternative approaches of innovation studies.
Triple Helix Conference local committee invites proposals on papers, posters and panels for the 2020 Triple Helix Conference!
Papers, posters and panels can be submitted until 15.12.2019.
The theme of the conference is Future of innovation and innovation for future and it is held during 15th–17th of June 2020 in Tampere, Finland. Read more
Confirmed key note speakers:
Joanna Chataway, Head Of Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy, University College London
Joanna is Professor of Science and Technology at University College London (UCL). She is Head of the innovative Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy (STEaPP) based in the Engineering Faculty. She is an Honorary Professor at the University of Sussex and the Open University. For many years she was Vice-President of the Globelics network and Member of Globelics Scientific Board. She is BBSRC nominated member of the Academia.Net database of Outstanding Female Academics. Read more
Martin Kenney, Distinguished Professor of Community and Regional Development at the University of California, Davis Senior Project Director at the Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy
Martin Kenney is a Distinguished Professor of Community and Regional Development at the University of California, Davis and a Co-Director at the Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy. He is a Senior Fellow at the Research Institute for the Finnish Economy. Starting in 2017, was named an Affiliated Professor at the Instituto di Management at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna. He was the Arthur Andersen Distinguished Visitor at the University of Cambridge and have been a visiting scholar at the Copenhagen Business School, Hitotsubashi, Kobe, Stanford, Tokyo Universities, and UC San Diego. In 2015, he received the University of California Office of the President’s Award for Outstanding Faculty Leadership for Presidential Initiatives in Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Read more
Triple Helix week in Tampere in association with Henry Etzkowitz’ visit, 30 Sept. – 5 Oct. 2019
From 30th September to 5th October 2019, Professor Henry Etzkowitz visited Tampere University, Tampere, Finland, and attended a series of events to promote the scholarship of Triple Helix, as follows.
- Triple Helix Workshop of “Soft Sciences Boosting SMEs’ Business” on 2nd October.
- Seminar on building synergies between Triple Helix related research projects on 4th October.
- Tampere Stream Start-up Festival 2019, 3rd October.
- Meeting with key people involved in the 2020 Triple Helix Conference, including the President of Tampere University Mari Walls, Dean of Faculty of Management and Business Matti Sommarberg, and colleagues of Higher Education Group of Faculty of Management and Business.
- Meeting with potential partners of Triple Helix Conference, including the Vice President of Tampere University of Applied Sciences Kirsi Viskari, CEO of DIMECC Harri Kulmala and the Creative Director of Demola Jere Wessman.
Read more |
The HLX4EU second workshop was successfully organized jointly with the ETHAC2019

This two-day workshop & conference on Boosting innovation and entrepreneurship, supporting the business growth strategies of the European Commission (in particular young innovative SMEs) focused on the determinants of developing entrepreneurial ecosystems in a European context by looking at how innovation can be better unleashed to the market. A main sub-theme of the workshop consisted of the concept of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and how can this act as an enable to make the stakeholders work together to achieve responsible & impactful outcomes. It also covered the thorny issue of access to finance, presenting also a panorama of the EU opportunities of funding innovative enterprises. This covered also more unconventional ways of financial support like business angels, venture capital and crowdfunding. The workshop also covered the particular needs of SMEs and very small enterprises that form the backbone of the European economy. This workshop was organized in parallel with the European Triple Helix Congress on Responsible Innovation & Entrepreneurship (ETHAC2019) in order to maximise the participation & co-creation potential with eminent stakeholders from the EU & beyond. This way, the impact of the workshop is valid both nationally as well as at the EU-level. 146 participants from 35 countries (35% business, 55% academia (including students), 10% policy makers) co-created intensively for 2 days. Read more |
Webinar “Boosting Innovative European Startups through the Triple Helix”, 26th November @6pm CET

This webinar will analyse pathways & strategies to establish innovative startups within the EU by handling complexities such as digitalization, responsibility & environmental sustainability, media & creative industries. The ultimate aim of this webinar is to identify policy gaps & recommendations for European startup support strategies & triple helix co-creation that would better facilitate the emergence of innovative startups in the EU. The presentations from the webinar will be complementary, covering both EU joint strategies while also specific case studies & examples of innovative startups & initiatives.
Hans Lodders, Partner MindMatters, Programma manager Hilversum Media Campu, The Netherlands

Bartosz Kalinowski, Faculty of Management / Centre of Excellence in Research “Knowbase”; University of Lodz, Poland
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The webinar is free of charge for THA members and for all those registering by 15th November.
TO REGISTER send an email to Maria Laura Fornaci |
THA board elections 2019 – Call for candidates
In the end of 2019 the THA is going to organize the election for its Board members (6 to be elected).
If you are a member of the THA you have time up until the 31st October to submit your candidature for the elections. Consult the guidelines
For the Board member positions we are looking for active professionals either academic or practitioner or civil servant with very good external connections and with the power to influence others’ decision and/or with interest for TH dynamics and debate.
Online voting for the elections will open in mid-November, so bone up on the contenders and make your voice heard!
Remind to renew your membership, since only paid memebrs will be invited to the online voting session. Get that done now, and enjoy a discount on registration for XVIII Triple Helix Conference 2020 Tampere. |
A new Special Interest Group for PhD students and Early Career Researchers is now open for subscription

Triple Helix Association is the leading platform for both individuals and organisations who are interested in Triple Helix Model and related themes, An open space for interaction between academics, policy makers, and practitioners through the multiple activities which the association coordinates such as conferences, summits, webinars, workshops and more. However, we observed that members – especially PhD students and early careers who are still discovering themselves within research – do not benefit from what the Association can offer. Consequently, we created this group aiming to help them for fully integrating the Triple Helix community by offering assistance and mentoring, in order to join intellectually the community, get more visibility and contribute to the platform.
Learn more on the SIG agenda and join it now by sending an email to the SIG Convener, Rabii OUTAMHA. |
Triple Helix Journal: calls for paper for special issues

Triple Helix A Journal of University-Industry-Government Innovation and Entrepreneurship
ISSN: 2197-1927 (electronic version)
Published by Brill/Sense
Call for papers for THJ Special issues
Special issue for the THC2019 “Entrepreneurial University”
Guest Editor: Prof. Mammo Muchie, Chair in Innovation Studies at the Faculty of Management Sciences, Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa; Prof. Marcelo Amaral, Triple Helix Research Group – Brazil, Fluminense Federal University, Brazil
Deadline for submission: 30th October 2019
Special issue “Triple Helix Futures”
This call for paper is for contributions from PhD students and early career professionals
Guest Editors: Ekaterina Albats, LUT-University, Finland, Rabii Outamha, University of Hassan II, Morocco
Henry Etzkowitz, International Triple Helix Institute (ITHI), Silicon Valley, USA
Deadline for submission: EXTENDED TO October 31th 2019
THA Members are invited to contribute to the THJ by submitting their articles in response to the open call for papers. Your support is extremly important in this phase since the SCOPUS application is in progress and the THJ needs to boost the paper pipeline to be successful.
Give us your full support! |
Contributions welcomed by Hélice magazine
Our quarterly Magazine, Hélice is distributed to scholars, practitioners, policy-makers, and public administrators, in academic institutions, industrial organizations, and research establishments worldwide, and has an audience of around 3.000 readers.
This makes Helice just the place to publish your latest research ideas and recent work dealing with all aspects of the interaction between academy-industry-government (Triple Helix) for fostering research, innovation, economic competitiveness and growth, and more. As well as your research work, we also welcome news items related to up-an-coming international conferences and events; call for papers; project reports; job postings; and any other relevant activity that you or your organization is organizing, or has recently organized, and want to tell our readers about. To be included in a quarterly issue, the deadline for submissions is 28 November 2019 for December 2019 issue. For further information please feel free to contact Ms. Liana Kobzeva, Editor in Chief, or Mrs Sheila Forbes, Managing editor.
New articles from our Community

Why Triple Helix Governance is useful to dual apprenticeship systems
Author: Michele Coletti, Grenoble Ecole de Management, France
Abstract: Apprenticeship is a contractual form of work-based learning that has existed for centuries, but despite its historical impact on innovation and competitiveness, it has been perceived as a system for the shop floor or low-skill jobs. The dual apprenticeship system combines school study with training on the job. Well developed in several European countries it can lead to highly qualified jobs, so attracting the interest of universities and other higher education institutions. Academic, business and government stakeholders working together enact a Triple Helix (TH) framework. This article analyses how the TH is suitable for the governance of apprenticeship systems and discusses the implications of the model.
Go to the article |
News from THA members
Job posting
News from Europe