

1990 – Professor Henry Etzkowitz and Professor Loet Leydesdorff introduced the Triple Helix model at the conference in Amsterdam The subsequent conferences – New York, USA (1998),  Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2000), Copenhagen, Denmark and Lund, Sweden (2002), Turin, Italy (2005), Singapore (2007) and Glasgow, UK (2009) –  put the focus on the relationship of science, industry, and government and their role in creating the conditions for future innovation; the importance of location; the capitalization of knowledge; cognitive, economic, social and cultural aspects of innovation; emerging models for the entrepreneurial university; regional diversities and global convergence; boundary spanning interactions, linking the different national cultures and innovation systems; job creation and social wealth.

2009 – The creation of the Triple Helix Association (THA) There was a demand among the participants to have more coordination and create a platform for interaction. Thus,  an international organization appeared  in Turin, Italy, where the TH Association is headquartered at Fondazione Rosselli, and is chaired by Prof. Henry Etzkowitz with  Professor Loet Leydesdorff and Professor José Manoel Carvalho de Mello  acting as Vice-Presidents

The Triple Helix Association (THA) is a non-for-profit, non-governmental association with scientific purpose and a global reach. Its main scope is to advance the scientific knowledge and practical achievements related to all aspects of the interaction between academy-industry-government (Triple Helix) for fostering research, innovation, economic competitiveness and growth.

THA activities range from the development and debate around top class scientific studies, by means of conferences, symposia, and awards; the networking among both leading education & research institutions and stakeholders to foster a wide dissemination and uptake of the scientific findings by means of publications, academic journals and co-operation projects; the support in translating academic models into practical achievements by enhancing international exchange of scholars and the education of students, researchers and practitioners

For more information: https://www.triplehelixassociation.org/

Kаzakhstan Chapter

Kazakhstan Triple Helix Association Chapter was founded in 2017.  Kazakhstan THA Chapter is a non-governmental non-profit organization of  professionals  from different spheres including but not limited to business, government, higher education, research centers, technological parks etc. who in joint effort work over a set of objectives towards the promotion of Triple Helix concept in Kazakhstan for strengthening interaction among universities, government and business thus contributing to the social and economic development of the Republic in the streamline of modernization that supports young entrepreneurs, their projects and innovations.


Kazakhstan THA Chapter contributes to the implementation of mechanisms that support entrepreneurial activity among young people who will increase the proportion of SMEs and bring innovations.


  • promotion of TH concepts at the national level;
  • conduction of research on TH themes and dissemination of results;
  • arrangement of promotional, educational and research dissemination events ;
  • cooperation with innovation technologies parks in creating platforms for innovation and entrepreneurship education;
  • enhancement of HEIs academic impact on the development of university-industry-government interaction;
  • initiation of  projects aimed at strengthening practical application of THA concepts.

Gulzhanat Tayauova,
Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for External Affairs
communications and doctoral studies at the University of Turan,
Head of Triple Helix Chapter Kazakhstan.


Elmira Eralina,
PhD, head of department
“Management” of the University of Turan,
co-head of Triple Helix Chapter Kazakhstan.



“Alatau” Technological Park was founded in 2005 and is one of eight technological parks belonging to the National Agency on Technological Development, Kazakhstan. It was created as a service functions enterprise based at “Park of Innovation Technologies” – free economic zone in Almaty City. “Alatau” Technological Park contributes to the development of national programs  and technological business incubation of innovation projects is one of them. 

Innovation Cluster Tech Garden is Kazakhstani  “Silicon Valley” at the foot of Trans-Ili Alatau where innovation is deriven through cooperation of businesses, start-ups, research centers and universities. The executive body of the cluster is Autonomous Cluster Fund. Tech Garden aims at increasing the share of Kazakhstan in high technologies and creating the ecosystem of venture financing.

Turan University is commited to implementing the strategy based on  entrepreneurship and innovation agenda taking an active role in contributing to local development  generating entrepreneurial spirit, cognition, and attitudes by integrating specialised courses and modules into academic program, collaborating with external stakeholders, providing opportunities to experience entrepreneurship, supporting business start-ups and disseminating best practices. The University was the first institution from Kazakhstan to  join THA  later becoming the headquarters for THA Chapter. Its campus hosts students’ business incubators, Enactus team, Founders Office to create entrepreneurial environment empowering future professionals.

Turan-Astana University promotes research initiatives  nurturing  deep thinkers and  effective professionals. It develops its incentives in the streamline of THA concepts by introducing enterprise-related activities into the educational program to provide adequate conditions for potential entrepreneurs. The institution builds networking with professionals from different spheres to be involved in modernization process through innovation and entrepreneurship.

Project Management Institute Kazakhstan Chapter advances careers, improves organizational success and further matures the profession of project management through  globally recognized standards, certifications, resources, tools, academic research, publications, professional development courses and networking opportunities. PMI Chapter in Kazakhstan is actively involved in activities that bring together university, government and business stakeholders.

Kazakhstan Academy of Economics is the union of of leading researchers, academics, practitioners who contribute to the development of economic sciences and relevant studies, imlementation of national policies in the field of economy, research and technology, innovation,  thus facilitating the competitiveness factor of Kazakhstan. The academy strives to be  instrumental  in the promotion of economic reserach and  strengthening cooperation of businesses, science and education.

Kazakhstan Association of Marketing is a non-governmental association that aims at assisting marketing professionals in the country. The association   focuses on the dissemination of marketing culture in running business and the development of national marketing concept in the Republic, attracting students and young professionals to working on marketing projects, providing consulting for SMEs.