Университет «Туран», являясь Казахстанским представительством ассоциации Тройной спирали проводит Международный форум:
Ссылка для онлайн подключения — Turan University приглашает вас на запланированную конференцию: Zoom.
Тема: Бизнес, государство и образование: инновации в действии»
Время: 24 апр. 2023 09:30 Алматы
Подключиться к конференции Zoom
Идентификатор конференции: 832 7189 2554
Код доступа: 561475.
Информационное письмо
Мероприятия в рамках реализации международного проекта Triple Helix за 2022 год
В период 2022 года прошла cерия мастер-классов и научных семинаров для преподавателей и обучающихся высших учебных заведений Республики Казахстан. В программу были включены следующие мероприятия:
- Международный научный семинар Постановка исследовательских гипотез в рамках проекта Guesss Спикер: Таменова Салтанат Сарсенбаевна к.э.н., профессор директор ЦУРР
- Мастер-класс «Социально-накопительные программы и страхование жизни в Казахстане» Спикер: Попкова Елена Васильевна финансовый консультант инвестиционной компании Fortune Invest
- Научныйсеминар «Mediation in higher education — application in student education and for creating a harmonious academic environment» Спикер: Desislava Serafimova PhD Management, University of Economics – Varna (Болгария)
- Мастер-класс «Развитие электронной коммерции в Казахстане» Спикер: Торгунакова Виктория Константиновна генеральный директор ТОО «Тикетон»
- Мастер-класс «Как защитить результаты интеллектуального труда преподавателя?» Спикер: Ляджин Владимир Алексеевич патентный поверенный, директор компании «БЮРО ПЛИС»
- Мастер-класс «Перспективы роста государственных служащих» Спикер: Давов Ерлан Искандарович Первый заместитель председателя филиала партии Аманат по Жетысускому району города Алматы
- Гостевая лекция «Требования предприятий отрасли к выпускникам вузов в современных условиях» Спикер: Рсымбетов К.С., кандидат физико-математических наук, доцент, IT-эксперт АО НК «КТЖ», Эксперт ТОО «IT Qualifications certify center»
- Мастер-класс «Тенденции развития сети телекоммуникации» Спикер: Мирзакулова Шарафат Абдурахимовна ассоциированный профессор кафедры «Радиотехника, электроника и телекоммуникации», доктор PhD
- Мастер-класс «Концепции и механизмы обновления содержания образования и организации учебной работы, в контексте цифровой трансформации образования» Спикер: Кубеков Б.С. д.т.н., профессор
- Мастер-класс «Стартапы: состояние, направление развития» Спикеры: Оразбекулы Ерболат PhD, Директор центра коммерциализации научной и инновационной деятельности Университета «Туран»
- Мастер-класс «Навыки для глобального бизнеса будущего» Спикер: Телюк Дмитрий Владимирович основатель сети туристических агентств Чемодан, компании Первый Центр Визовой Поддержки, Основатель производственных продуктовых компаний Вкус Благости Казахстан, Смак Благости Украина, инвестор
- «Использование «Атласа новых профессий» для проектирования междисциплинарных ОП» Спикер: Абдиев Кали Сеильбекович д.п.н, профессор
- Мастер-класс «Судебные споры по защите товарных знаков в Казахстане. Примеры сквоттинга» Спикер: Ляджин Владимир Алексеевич патентный поверенный, директор компании «БЮРО ПЛИС»
- Мастер-класс «Финансовые и банковские ковенанты» Спикер: Ахметов Азиз старший риск-менеджер, Bank RBK, Департамент кредитных рисков
- Мастер-класс «HR менеджмент в условиях неопределённости» Спикер: Пиляева Анна Николаевна HR директор АО «Банк ЦентрКредит»
Деятельность Казахстанского представительства Международной ассоциации Тройной спирали является ключевым для поддержания сотрудничества между сферой высшего образования, бизнесом, технологиями и правительством.

The III International Triple Helix Summit will go Virtual!

Given the uncertainty connected to the COVID-19 pandemic spread, and the successful experience of the 18th International Triple Helix Virtual Conference, the THA and the host of the III International Triple Helix Summit, have decided to move the Summit Online, in order to guarantee the safe delivery of the event.
The Summit will be organized on 24-26 November 2020 and the Call for Submission deadline will been extended up until 15th August so to give time to our international community to contribute actively to the web event.
Submit your abstract for any of the Summit themes in the following categories:
- Academic papers: Academic research (theoretical and/or empirical)
- Practical case studies: Cases addressing the interactions between research, policy and practice (with emphasis on successes/challenges, good/bad practices, current and future implications for industry and society). We encourage submissions from academics, practitioners and policy-makers
- Posters: Visual summaries of academic papers and practical case studies
Prof. Maurizio Sobrero and Prof. Riccardo Fini, Department of Management of Bologna University, the scientific chairs of the Summit, will be presenting the Summit theme and promoting the Call for Submissions on 9th July 2020, during the upcoming Virtual Innovation Village, one of the biggest Italian Innovation Fair. Read more
For additional info: summit2020@triplehelixassociation.org
Call for Student volunteers to provide support to the III International Triple Helix Virtual Summit 2020

Do you wish to be part of the organizing team of our III International Virtual Summit 2020?
Do you wish to get exposed to international high level scholars, practictioners and policy makers?
Do you want to make an amazing learning experience from the back stage of an International Event?
We are looking for student volunteers to provide remote support in the organization and delivery of the III International Triple Helix Virtual Summit 2020, 24-26 November 2020.
If you have a good command of English, any experience with the organization of online meetings (via Zoom or Teams), are passionate of technology and eager to learn how a Virtual International Event is organized, you are the right candidate!
To candidate send your CV to Maria Laura Fornaci by 15th August
The selected candidates will have the opportunity to attend the Summit free of charge and to have a one year free THA membership.
The THA COVID-19 international research project is taking off: be part of it!

The Triple Helix Association Research Project on the emergence, evolution and impacts of the Coronavirus pandemic draws on multiple dimensions. It tries to identify the multiple patterns through which governments, academia and business communities, individually and collectively, through their interactions, [Triple Helix Model] reacted to the evolving threat: the ways these actions were structured, their quality and resilience, as well as their relevance for society. It will try also to capture as much as possible, the social & health, economic, urban & environmental and governance aspects of the crisis and how this impacts, in positive or negative terms, the evolution of the overall situation. Read more and join our research team!
Triple Helix Conference 2020 hosted successfully online

“Future of innovation and innovation for future” 15-17 June, 2020, Virtual Event
The XVIII International Triple Helix Conference hosted by Tampere University during 15-16 June 2020 was a historical moment of Triple Helix Association — one of the major communities of innovation studies. It was the first time that the Triple Helix annual conference was organised online. With about one month time of moving the originally planned in-person conference to virtual formate, it was a great success in terms of both quantitative and qualitative measurements.
Around 200 delegates from 40 countries attended the conference, including five keynote speakers and another 20 experts engaged in various plenary sessions. There were 80 paper presentations in eight tracks, plus three workshops, in parallel sessions. The speakers and participants from the sectors of academia, industry, government and NGOs were all contributing to discussions addressing the theme of the conference: “Future of innovation and innovation for future”. Read more
Triple Helix Journal: new articles

Triple Helix A Journal of University-Industry-Government Innovation and Entrepreneurship
ISSN: 2197-1927 (electronic version)
Published by Brill/Sense
Triple Helix Journal has been accepted to the Emerging Sources Citation Index of Web of ScienceThe Emerging Sources Citation Index aims to extend the scope of publications in the Web of Science to include high-quality, peer reviewed publications.
It ensures important research is visible in the Web of Science Core Collection.
Help us to serve better your interests!

This survey has the scope to better understand the expectations of our Triple Helix Community: what are the satisfactions/dissatisfactions and how / where participants would like to engage in the future. To this end, the Executive Committee of THA is discussing activities and projects to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 in our association and community. And, at the same time, take advantage of opportunities that could emerge in the “new normal” economy.
Please take 10 minutes, to answer the online survey to help us serve better your interests!
Join our upcoming webinars and enjoy our series!
Special COVID-19 webinar series
“Learning from crises: towards inclusive and sustainable cities”, 10th July 2020, 5.30 pm CEST
Haris Piplas, Drees & Sommer Switzerland/Schweiz
To register free of charge to the webinar go to the registration form
Webinar series 2019-2020
The Theory-Practice Debate on New Industrial / Innovation Policies, Place-Based Smart Specialisation Strategies, and Local Actors, 30th June 2020, 6pm CEST
Slavo Radosevic, Professor of Industry and Innovation Studies at the UCL
Francisco Jaime Quesado, Economist specialist in Innovation and Competitiveness
Go to the Video-recording and slides of the webinar
Special COVID-19 webinar series
The power of story in a world on fire: Reflections on the transformational power of narratives, delivered on 5th June 2020
Guido Palazzo, Professor of Business Ethics at HEC, University of Lausanne
Go to the Video-recording and slides of the webinar
Building resilience in German cities: improving governance, mitigating risk
delivered on 18th May 2020
 Natalie Pfau-Weller & Rebecca Nell, Researchers at Fraunhofer Institute
Go to the Video-recording and slides of the webinar |
Hélice magazine: an international outlet for your work
Looking for somewhere to publish your latest research, well Hélice is the place for you! Since we have an audience with a special interest in any aspect of the interaction between academy-industry-government, the Triple Helix, this makes Hélice the ideal publication for your latest research findings and practical outcomes.
Having a distribution to around 3000 readers, Hélice is sent to a target audience of interested scholars, practitioners, policy-makers, and public administrators, in academic institutions, industrial organizations, and research establishments worldwide.
Hélice also welcomes news items related to up-an-coming international conferences and events; call for papers; project reports; job postings; or any other relevant activity that you would like to inform our readers.
To be included in the next quarterly issue, the deadline for submission is 28 August 2020 for the September 2020 issue. For further information please feel free to contact Liana Kobzeva, Editor in Chief, or Sheila Forbes, Managing Editor. |